Was at my favorite fabric store yesterday. And got some realy cool fabrics!!! My hubby found this realy great fabric, got it in two different colours, blue and green. It looks like it has scales all over with some soft furry like spots inbetween the scales. And it is so soft!!!
Also got this jeans fabric with stars on it. Gonna use it to make a large SackCreature like Baby.
Then I found this fake leather in a purple kind of colour. Its a bit streatchy, so I dont know how its gonna look, but I plan on trying to make a SackCreature out of this one too. Its so soft and it looks like its not gonna be hard to hand sew in eather.
Then I found some gray fleece that I am looking farward to using. I am afraid it might end up a bit boring, but hubby sais nothing I sew can ever be boring! lol Its good to have someone that, even though he hates the mes sI make when I am creating. He still belives in what I do.
I just wish I could make a living doing this!!!